Wendy Wonka's Epic Epilogue

Where do you begin to clean up a juicy, hot mess?

The Chocolate Factory has exploded, and its tasty remains are in little, tiny, bite-size pieces!

Someone has to clean this mess up. But WHO would be willing to do THAT??? It's a job that is so dangerous! and messy! and there's SO MUCH clean-up to be done all over the factory! (Even in rooms that have no safety guardrails or monitoring systems!) The epic epilogue begins here!

This mini-series will feature Wendy Wonka and Brittany as the main characters in a story that sprawls across a nearly-destroyed candy factory. They will attempt to help and mess around with many "colorful" characters that are still confined within the factory.

Work on the issue 2 begins Oct 1.

The full comic issue is 12 pages and cover. Also included...

-BONUS extra "page 1" comic of a Wonka side-story involving Wendy's barn of cows. Page 2 included with next issue.

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